Creative Direction
Customers trust brands that appear authentic and consistent. To achieve this, Brands should ensure their creative assets such as a website, social media channels, events, and print materials are cohesive, compelling and true to the brand. Studio DiBella's Creative Direction program combines client-collaboration with a scalable content production platforms, resulting in a Creative Infrastructure that is consistent, true to the brand ethos, and provides client-level control for future asset creation.
Raising Brand Recognition: HealthTech Venture Network
The HealthTech Venture Network Conference was founded in 2014. The Event series, founded by a healthtech investment firm, was in need of increased recognition of their brand at the intersection of healthcare and technology. Visual consistency was established through Art Direction, pairing bold colors with a pattern inspired by Boston's Zakim Bridge. Creative direction of every element, from speaker application forms, to promotional social content and wayfinding signage gave the conference a professional and memorable aesthetic.
Collaborative Conception: Prove Yourself Activewear
In 2017, with a team of designers, writers and videographers, Studio DiBella led the Creative Direction of the next extension of this brand: Prove Yourself Activewear. The Creative Direction our team provided acted as a foundation for evolving garment designs, an e-commerce storefront, and digital marketing content.
Integrated Marketing, Creative & Cannabis: Sira Naturals Inc
Sira Naturals, Massachusett's leading Cannabis Dispensary Startup, didn't have a Creative Director built into their management team. With increasing competition and a growing number of cannabis brands in the space, Sira Naturals recognized the need to fine tune the creative work, from packaging to signage.
See how Studio DiBella helped transform the Sira Naturals Brand.
Do You Need Creative Direction?
With all that running a successful business already requires, it's no surprise that creative direction isn't your number 1 priority. But if a business isn't careful, that lack of creative direction can lead to inconsistent output, hard to manage creative resources, unclear processes, and outdated branded materials.
So if you're a Founder, Executive or Marketing Director who needs Creative Direction to help your business, let's schedule a time to see if Studio DiBella is a good match for you.